Promoting Intercultural Competence through Different Versions of Cinderella Stories for Thai High School Students

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Siriphon Wongsuban
Punwalai Kewara
Nattharmma Nam-Fah


This study investigates the effect of integrating different versions of Cinderella in a regular English classroom for Thai grade 10 students to enhance students’ intercultural competence (IC), employing Deardorff’s (2009) and Byram’s (1997, 2021) model as the theoretical frameworks. A mixed-methods research approach was used to analyse quantitative and qualitative data, assessing the impact of implementing Cinderella stories on learners’ intercultural competence. Various research instruments, including versions of Cinderella stories, designed lesson plans, an intercultural competence assessment questionnaire, and students’ reflective writing, were employed. The findings indicated a significant improvement across all IC dimensions, with the most notable enhancement observed in cultural knowledge. Additionally, students demonstrated increased sensitivity to social discrimination, developed positive attitudes towards cultural differences, and improved intercultural communication skills. Reflective writing was crucial for fostering more profound understanding, self-awareness, and empathy. The study underscores the effectiveness of multicultural narratives and reflective practices in cultivating students' appreciation of cultural diversity and highlights the importance of student-centred activities in developing intercultural competence. Teachers are encouraged to adopt these strategies to create a more culturally aware and empathetic learning environment.

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How to Cite
Wongsuban, S., Kewara, P., & Nam-Fah, N. (2024). Promoting Intercultural Competence through Different Versions of Cinderella Stories for Thai High School Students. rEFLections, 31(2), 815–836.
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