Positive factors influencing consumers’ satisfaction of nail spa salon stores in Huaikhwang and Phrakhanong districts in Bangkok

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ประกายแก้ว บุญเพ็ง
เพ็ญจิรา คันธวงศ์


          The researchers attempted to study the positive influence of quality management support factor, image factor, reception factor, venue factor, product factor, empathy factor, equipment quality factor and service responsiveness factor toward consumers satisfaction of nail spa salon stores in Huaikhwang and Phrakhanong mistricts in Bangkok. The authors received 265 respondents during August 2017. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The researchers found that  the service responsiveness factor (β = 0.340), venue factor (β = 0.250), and quality management support factor (β = 0.177) with the coefficient of determination of multiple regression (R square) or explaining 40.7% of the positive influence toward consumers’ satisfaction of nail spa salon stores at the significant level of .01.The researchers found multiple regression equation of Y (consumers’ satisfaction of nail spa salon stores) = 0.768 + 0.340 (responsiveness of service delivery) + 0.250 (venue) + 0.177 (quality management support factor) However other factors namely; image, hospitality, product, empathy, and equipment quality had not impact towards the consumers’ satisfaction of nail spa salon stores.

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How to Cite
บุญเพ็ง ป., & คันธวงศ์ เ. (2018). Positive factors influencing consumers’ satisfaction of nail spa salon stores in Huaikhwang and Phrakhanong districts in Bangkok. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 3(1), 67–75. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutsb-hs/article/view/123312
Research article


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