The calculation and reasoning skills in mathematics learning area diagnostic test development for Prathom Suksa III students in Lampang primary education service area 2

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ธวชินี มาหล้า
บุญศรี พรหมมาพันธุ์
นวลเสน่ห์ วงศ์เชิดธรรม


          The purposes of this research were (1) to construct a diagnostic test on calculation and reasoning skills in the Mathematics Learning Area for Prathom Suksa III students in Lampang Primary Education Service Area 2; and (2) to verify quality of the constructed diagnostic test on calculation and reasoning skills in the Mathematics Learning Area for Prathom Suksa III students in Lampang Primary Education Service Area 2. The research sample consisted of 452 Prathom Suksa III students studying in Lampang Primary Education Service Area 2, obtained by stratified random sampling.  The instrument employed in this research was a diagnostic test on calculation and reasoning skills in the Mathematics Learning Area.  Statistics for data analysis were the validity index, reliability coefficient, difficulty index, and discrimination index.

          Research findings revealed that (1) the constructed diagnostic test was composed of 2 skills, namely, calculation skills and reasoning skills in the Mathematics Learning Area; the calculation skills comprised addition; subtraction; multiplication; division; and the combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills; on the other hand, the reasoning skills comprised word problems of addition; word problems of subtraction; word problems of multiplication; word problems of division; and the combination of word problems of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; and (2) the constructed diagnostic test of calculation skills and reasoning skills in the Mathematics Learning Area was found to have content validity; reliability coefficient of 0.96; difficulty indices ranging from 0.34-0.74; and discrimination indices ranging from 0.24-0.91. Thus, it could be concluded that quality of the test met the pre-determined criteria.

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มาหล้า ธ., พรหมมาพันธุ์ บ., & วงศ์เชิดธรรม น. (2018). The calculation and reasoning skills in mathematics learning area diagnostic test development for Prathom Suksa III students in Lampang primary education service area 2. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 3(1), 1–13. retrieved from
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