Marketing mix and the quality of service influence on the decision making to use the services of Chao Phraya Yommarat Hospital, Suphanburi province

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ลัดดาวัลย์ สำราญ
โสรยา สุภาผล
ภาคภูมิ พันธุ์ทับทิม
ธนภัทร ขาววิเศษ


          The objective of this research was to study the decision making to use the health service at Chao Phraya Yommarat Hospital, Suphanburi province. The sample group was 400 out patients at the hospital, which were selected by purposive sampling. The tool for data collection was a set of questionnaire. Mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis with the critical level of 0.05 were used for data analysis. The findings were as follows: The level of opinion concerning the marketing mix as a whole was at the high level. The level of opinion concerning the service quality as a whole was at the high level. The level of opinion towards the decision making to use the hospital service as a whole was also at the high level. The results of the hypothesis testing revealed that the marketing mix factors of; the service personnel, the physical elements, the trust worthiness feature, the customer responsiveness, and customers care and understanding influenced the decision to use the services of the Chao Phraya Yommarat Hospital, Suphanburi.

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สำราญ ล., สุภาผล โ., พันธุ์ทับทิม ภ., & ขาววิเศษ ธ. (2018). Marketing mix and the quality of service influence on the decision making to use the services of Chao Phraya Yommarat Hospital, Suphanburi province. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 3(2), 151–163. Retrieved from
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