Community enterprise management for economy sustainability of Mahasawat agricultural housewife group, Phutthamonthon disrtict, Nakhon Pathom province

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เพ็ญศรี ฉิรินัง
ศิริวัฒน์ เปลี่ยนบางยาง


         The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the marketing operations of Mahasawat Agricultural Housewife Group, 2) to study the problems and obstacles in the marketing operations, and 3) to find the guidelines for the management of community enterprises for economic sustainability. This qualitative research using data collection from a non-participant observation method. In-depth interviews and group discussion with 16 key informants from the relevant agencies in the district and community level, and analyzed by content analysis.

          The research findings were as follows: 1) Mahasawat Agricultural Housewife Group has applied the concept of marketing to its operation; the main products of the group is rice cracker face dried shredded pork, vegetable, fruit and cereal; price is set at 3 bags of 100 baht; the only place to distribute is at Ban Saladin, and the promotion is the idea of watch, taste and shopping concept, 2) problems and obstacles in the operation were divided into 2 issues: management and marketing mix factors problems. 3) community development guidelines for sustainability, consisting of six approaches: (1) development of guidelines consistent with community capacity, (2) development by sufficiency economy philosophy, (3) open the worldview of community enterprise members, (4) participatory management, (5) market development, and (6) network development.

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How to Cite
ฉิรินัง เ., & เปลี่ยนบางยาง ศ. (2018). Community enterprise management for economy sustainability of Mahasawat agricultural housewife group, Phutthamonthon disrtict, Nakhon Pathom province. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 3(2), 139–150. Retrieved from
Research article


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