Lawsuits in construction projects

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วรานนท์ คงสง
ชัยวัฒน์ ภู่วรกุลชัย


          Many construction projects in Thailand both in public and private sectors face many problems such as delayed, poor quality, and over the budget. The problems arise from many reasons including the construction contracts and documentations, the project procedures, context of the projects, political, economic and society policies, which are driven by project stakeholders. The problems usually start from the conflicts and lead to the judicial process. The claims include penalties, wages, and construction time. The judiciary is depending on documentary evidence for dispute resolution. The end result is often a loss for project stakeholders (revealing and covert). Therefore, the project should begin from the contractor selection process. When a dispute arises, the stakeholders must consider the engineering facts and feasibility of the work to find a settlement of the dispute. Therefore, if stakeholders are cooperate and agree to the factual bargain during a conflict, the problems and subsequent losses can be minimized.

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How to Cite
คงสง ว., & ภู่วรกุลชัย ช. (2019). Lawsuits in construction projects. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 4(1), 115–121. Retrieved from
Academic article


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