Causal structure of factors that influence green behavior of green hotel’s employees in Thailand

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พรพิมล ศรีธเรศ
แสงแข บุญศิริ


           This quantitative research is to study causal structure of factors of human resource development in green hotels and the personal intentions influencing green behavior of green hotel’s employees in Thailand. The samples were 619 operation staffs in green hotels. The instrument used in this study was 58 item-questionnaire of 5-rating scale according to Likert scale. The statistic used for data analysis were mean, percentage, average, standard deviation. The statistic used for hypothesis testing was structural equation model (SEM) by M-plus 7.11 program. The result revealed that the causal structure of factors was concordant with the empirical data with the predictability at a good level, and thus considering as an acceptable model. Human resource development factors in green hotel did not directly afftect the green behavior of employee but they affected indirectly to individual intention.

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How to Cite
ศรีธเรศ พ., & บุญศิริ แ. (2019). Causal structure of factors that influence green behavior of green hotel’s employees in Thailand. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 4(2), 122–139. Retrieved from
Research article


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