Learning process in accordance with constructivist theory to utilize local materials as mushroom substrates and scientific process skills of general science students program, Rajabhat Buriram University

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Karupakorn La-eadon
Arunrussamee Sangsila
Tepporn Lomarak


          The purposes of this research were to compare scientific problem solving skills before and after class and study the satisfaction level of the learners towards learning management by using the constructivist theory. The population and sample used in the research were general science students of Rajabhat Buriram University. Tools used include the evaluation form of the ability to solve problems before and after teaching and learning activities and the evaluation form of student satisfaction towards learning using the constructivist theory. The forms are rating scale questionnaires based on Likert scale. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. It was found that the use of constructivist teaching methods increased students’ scientific problem solving skills by 0.05 level, which agreed with the hypothesis. The improvement of students’ scientific problem solving skills was resulted from the teaching methods based on constructivist concepts, in which teaching focused on allowing students to create knowledge together and propose ideas to help solve problems, giving students the opportunity to think, and do it yourself approach resulted in good learning. Overall satisfaction was at a very high level with the average of 4.35. The 3 highest levels of satisfaction were from the discussion and exchange of knowledge with other groups, using teaching methods for students to learn by themselves, and fun teaching, with the average of 4.65. The lowest level of satisfaction was the time spent in each activity, with the average of 4.14.

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How to Cite
La-eadon, K., Sangsila, A., & Lomarak, T. (2021). Learning process in accordance with constructivist theory to utilize local materials as mushroom substrates and scientific process skills of general science students program, Rajabhat Buriram University. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 6(1), 125–135. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutsb-hs/article/view/247528
Research article


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