Application of information and technology to develop a self-guiding application in Prasat Sa Kamphaeng Noi, Uthumphon Phisai district, Sisaket province
Main Article Content
This research aims to 1) study legends, history, tales and create content for tour guiding in Prasat Sa Kamphaeng Noi, Uthumpon Phisai district, Sisaket province, by applying a qualitative research method, 2) develop a mobile application, by applying an applied research method, and 3) evaluate user’s satisfaction regarding mobile application, applying a quantitative research method. The target of the study were 3 experts in local culture, 5 experts in information and technology, and 400 tourists. The instruments of the study were Prasat Sa Kamphaeng Noi’s guiding application and satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed by applied narrative analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, and statistical analysis using mean and standard deviation. From the research, 6 content spots were created for viewing, including explanations and related pictures. The 6 viewing spots were 1) general information of Prasat Sa Kamphaeng Noi, 2) Archway, 3) Principle Hall, 4) Bannalai (library), 5) Wall, and 6) Sacred pool and Baray. The results of the application’s quality assessment by experts was good in content, design and ease of use. The evaluation results of tourist’s satisfaction toward Prasat Sa Kamphaeng Noi’s guiding application showed that the ease of use of application was at excellent level (=4.82, S.D.=0.41), the design of application at excellent level (
=4.80, S.D.=0.52) and the attractiveness of content was at excellent level (
=4.58, S.D.=0.59). The overall evaluation result was at excellent level (
=4.72, S.D.=0.50).
Article Details
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