Social values, push and pull motivation factors affecting loyalty of Thai tourists visiting Ang Thong province
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) social values of Thai tourists, 2) push motivation factors of Thai tourists, 3) pull motivation factors of Thai tourists, and 4) influence of social values affecting loyalty to tourism in Ang Thong province. The data were collected from questionnaires of 400 Thai tourists. The sample size was determined by Cochran's table and accidental sampling. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, factor analysis and path analysis. The results show that 1) tourists give the most importance to work values and holy things, 2) motivation factors push tourists to focus on safety, good health, reward of life, 3) pull motivation factors are related to accommodation standards, and 4) social values have a positive influence on tourism loyalty in Ang Thong through incentives push factors equal at 1.03. Social values have positive influences on loyalty to tourism in Ang Thong through incentives pull factors equal to 1.25 and social values have a direct influence on loyalty in Ang Thong tourism equal to 1.50.
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