Application of lean concepts to improve consumable disbursement process to reduce waiting time in a public hospital in Bangkok

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Jirapong Ruanggoon
Preecha Pornpayuhakeit
Pakorn Opasvitayarux


          The purpose of this research is to apply Lean concepts to improve the consumable disbursement process, in order to reduce waiting time at a public hospital in Bangkok. Data on the waiting time before process improvement was collected from July to September 2022 and found that the average waiting time was 9.67 days, which was slower than the standard set at 7 days. Analyzing the problem of delay in material retrieval and distribution using the 5W1H technique, fishbone diagram, and process map, it was found that the problem was due to a multi-step and repetitive work process, as well as incomplete documentation of the consumable disbursement. In addition, there were problems with storage locations and personnel. To improve the work process, the ECRS technique was used to eliminate unnecessary steps, reorganize the workflow, and improve the storage location for easier data retrieval. After process improvement in November-December 2022 and January 2023, the average waiting time was found to be 6.67 days, reducing waiting time for consumable disbursement retrieval by 3 days faster than the standard set. The results of this research can be expanded to other units within the hospital, especially in processes that are directly related to or require coordination with patients.

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How to Cite
Ruanggoon, J., Pornpayuhakeit, P. ., & Opasvitayarux, P. . (2023). Application of lean concepts to improve consumable disbursement process to reduce waiting time in a public hospital in Bangkok. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 8(2), 192–205. retrieved from
Research article


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