The study of conditions and guidelines for the development of quality management system according to Thailand quality award criteria: A case study of a faculty at a university in southern Thailand

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Bannagorn Saelim


The objectives of this research were to study conditions and guidelines for the development of quality management system according to Thailand Quality Award (TQA) criteria of a faculty at a university in southern Thailand. The study employed documentary research and selected a case study in accordance with Scott (1990). The related literature were a feedback report and 7 volumes of “Thailand Quality Class (TQC)”. This research investigated quality management system of a faculty at a university in southern Thailand in 2021, and best practices of organizations received TQA between 2016 and 2021. The research instrument was a case record form. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics in Microsoft excel to identify the gap between performance and scoring criteria to study the status of the quality management system. The best practices of organizations winning TQA were analyzed to study guidelines for developing quality management system. The study revealed the following status of organizational management system: for categories 1-6, process; and category 7, result; the score was in the range of 10-25 and it was anticipated that the obtained total score range would be 110-260 When studying the feedback report, the following three categories were unclear issues: category 3, customers; category 4, measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; and category 6, operations. When analyzing best practices, it was found that: 1) for category 3, the winning organizations paid high attention and utilized voices of different customer groups; 2) for category 4, the organizations placed significant emphasis on connected-strategy indicators by setting assigned individuals and scheduling monitoring period using IT system; and 3) for category 6, the organizations developed product specifications based on concept design of result-oriented and customer-focused approaches which included arranging assessments and supervising the operations using indicators. This research provided the organization with guidelines for quality management system to elevate the organization’s performance to excellence.

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Saelim, B. . (2024). The study of conditions and guidelines for the development of quality management system according to Thailand quality award criteria: A case study of a faculty at a university in southern Thailand. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 9(1), 127–145. retrieved from
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