The structural equation modeling of teaching quality as a mediator variable between learning environment and learning outcomes of higher education students

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Apinya Ingard


This research article aimed to (1) studied the teaching quality of instructors, learning outcomes, and learning environment, (2) studied the influence of the teaching quality of instructors on the intermediate role between learning environment and learning outcomes, and (3) presented procedures and solutions of structural equation model analysis. The secondary data were from 443 higher education students in the academic year 2021 who completed the assessment through the University's Educational Services (REG) system. The reliability of the assessment form was between 0.91-0.98. Data were analyzed by statistical techniques including mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis and structural equation model analysis. The research results found that (1) Teaching quality of instructors and learning environment were at the most appropriate level, and the students learning outcomes were greatly improved. (2) The teaching quality of instructors was the full mediate variable between the learning environment and student learning outcomes, and the learning environment and teaching quality of the instructors explained the variance in learning outcomes at 80.00%. (3) Appropriate approaches and procedures for analyzing a specific structural equation model consisted of 6 steps: data outlier assessment, normal distribution assessment of each variable, construction of validity assessment of latent variables, discriminant validity assessment between latent variables, structural model analysis, and classification of influences. Moreover, the solution to the problem of discriminant validity between structured latent variables was to combine the structure of latent variables into a second-order construct.

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How to Cite
Ingard, A. . (2024). The structural equation modeling of teaching quality as a mediator variable between learning environment and learning outcomes of higher education students. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 9(1), 107–126. retrieved from
Research article


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