Logo Evaluation Methodology for Consumer Products and Service Businesses

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Suttida Anuchitolan
Kanwipa Methanuntakul
Praima Israsena Na Ayudhya
Busayawan Lam


Brand Identity Design is an important part of building a brand strategy, creating a consistent identity with the business goals and products or services offered to the target audience. A significant part of identity design is the visuals that make people remember and affect their perceptions. Corporate Identity Design usually starts with a Logo that allows the target audience to distinguish the brand from competitors in the market competition. From my work experience as a graphic designer, the problems in the logo design process are communication. Communicating with brand owners who do not work in the design field makes it challenging for further design development, resulting in project delays. The product that graphic designers provide to clients is to provide design services that do not have a concrete result like some types of products. After researching the logo design process, I found that what is missing is the quality and effectiveness evaluation of the trademark. Therefore, the question arises whether the designer has the design evaluation result can create more credibility for the design work.

This research is purposed to study and develop a tool for evaluating logo design. Using the logo design evaluation as a medium in the design process leads to how customers make decisions efficiently and how it influences the designers' work. The research will show the study of the logo design of the consumer goods products and service businesses in Thailand, based on a case study from GA49 Limited, one of Thailand's top brand identity design experts that provides graphic design services. Collected data from 4 completed projects and a project in the design process, which will test with 2 sample groups: the target group of the brand and the business owner.

This research demonstrates a logo design evaluation tool and the evaluation results. Comparison between the results from the target audience and the evaluation by the business owner. Including the logo evaluation results of comparing the logo design by the designer with the one generated from a free website. These results will help customers understand the logo designs properly and contribute to customer decision-making which brings designers to develop their work more efficiently and help manage the design projects. In addition, the evaluation tools are also possibly applied to other designs evaluation in the future.

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