As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The article is formatted in accordance with the journal’s guidelines or template.
The submitted article is in Microsoft Word file format (.doc or .docx).
All references must be included in the list of references and be written in the journal’s specified format (APA 7).
The article submission and consent forms must be completed and signed by all authors before sending to the SJSS.
Author Guidelines
The SJSS welcome articles for publication in future issues of SJSS. Articles must be original and not currently under review elsewhere. Articles can take the following forms:
Submitted manuscripts must be carefully prepared in accordance with the journal’s specified format (see Author Guidelines). The authors can also use the template, which is provided here. Please ensure that the manuscript follows the submission guidelines, as those that do not adhere to these requirements may be immediately returned without review.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to ensure that all the following items are completed. Authors should be aware that submissions will be returned if they do not adhere to these guidelines.
• The article is formatted in accordance with the journal’s guidelines or template.
• The submitted article is in Microsoft Word file format (.doc or .docx).
• All references must be included in the list of references and be written in the
journal’s specified format (APA 7).
• The article submission and consent forms must be completed and signed by all
authors before sending to the SJSS.
Forms and Template
The submission form, manuscript preparation guidelines, and article template can be downloaded here.
• Proofreading (.docx) Certificate of Proofreading is required for the final version
of an English manuscript.
Referencing Styles
The SJSS follows the APA (7th edition) referencing style for both in-text citations and reference lists. Additionally, please note the following important requirements:
• A maximum of 30 references is allowed.
• Website resources are not allowed as references.
• All references must be written in English and listed alphabetically for both Thai
Authors who wish to withdraw or retract their articles must provide reasons for the withdrawal or retraction to be considered by the editorial board. The Suranaree Journal of Social Science (SJSS) has established the following procedures after receiving a withdrawal or retraction request:
Article Withdrawal (for articles in the Initial Review, Under Review, or Revision stages)
The author must submit a withdrawal form along with the reasons.
The author must be responsible for the article processing charges.
Article Withdrawal (for articles that have been accepted and are awaiting publication (In Press))
The author must submit a withdrawal form along with the reasons.
The author must be responsible for the article processing charges.
SJSS will send an official letter to the highest authority of the author's affiliated institution informing them of this withdrawal.
Article Retraction (for articles that have already been published on the journal website)
The author must submit a retraction form along with the reasons.
The author must be responsible for the article processing charges.
SJSS will send an official letter to the highest authority of the author's affiliated institution informing them of this retraction.
The word “RETRACTED” will be watermarked on every page of the article.
SJSS will not accept any submissions from the author for a period of 5 years.
Copyright Notice
Prospective authors should be aware that all article submissions must be original and be accompanied by the consent form listing all named authors. Additionally, authors must obtain official permission to include texts, figures, data, or any other information attributable to others.
Upon submitting the article, the authors grant the right to the Suranaree Journal of Social Science (SJSS) to publish the article without any restrictions. However, the authors retain the copyright to their work, and the right to reproduce, distribute, and display their work. Authors can use the articles in their academic work or share them with their students while the SJSS controls how the articles are disseminated.