The Development of the English Content-Based Reading Materials for Buddhist Student Monks

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Phatchareporn Supphipat
Sumalee Chinokul


The objectives of this study were 1) to develop the English content-based reading materials for Buddhist student monks, 2) to explore quality of the English content-based reading materials by examining the attitude of student monks, and 3) to explore quality of the English content-based reading materials by examining the attitude of teachers.  The study was conducted in 6 stages starting from the identification of needs to create materials to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed materials. The participants of 42 student monks and 3 English teachers were selected from the Education Department of Wat Phra Dhammakaya in academic year 2017. Instruments used were semi-structured interview, needs analysis questionnaires, and evaluation questionnaires. The qualitative data was analyzed by the content analysis. The statistics used to analyze the quantitative data were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings revealed that the English content-based reading materials for Buddhist monks were effectively developed by using the materials development framework of Tomlinson (2011), embedded with Six-T’s approach of Stoller and Grabe (2017), and the quality was the academic and physical aspects and the effectiveness in enhancing reading comprehension. In terms of the quality of academic and physical aspects, student monks had a positive attitude towards 6 criteria including: content, organization of content, presentation of content, language use, activities applied, and layout and design, and teachers had a positive attitude towards 7 criteria, 6 of which were exactly the same as those of student monks plus the criterion of the teachers’ manual. This study clearly demonstrates theoretical processes of developing instructional materials of good quality and could be used as an example to illustrate the connection between developing instructional materials and
English language learning research for teachers, materials developers, and researchers in the field.

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