Effects of Modern Entrepreneurial Capability and Marketing Innovation on Competitive Advantage of Community Enterprises Processing Agricultural Products in Upper Northeast
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The objective of the present study is to analyze the effects of modern entrepreneurial capability and marketing innovation on competitive advantage of community enterprises processing agricultural products in Upper Northeast. Related literatures were reviewed accompanying conducting a survey. The model is tested using the data collected from a questionnaire which were distributed to 400 firms of community enterprises processing agricultural products in Upper Northeast. Inferential Stasis that are multiple correlation multiple regression analysis and t-test was used for analyzing the data. The results indicated that 1) modern entrepreneurial capability consists of recognition of an opportunity, launching a new venture, building success and managing growth, harvesting the turnover from the investment influencing on the marketing innovation; 2) modern entrepreneurial capability consists of harvesting the turnover from the investment influencing on competitive advantage; 3) marketing innovation has positive influence on competitive advantages Thus, contributions and suggestions are also provided for further research and for increasing modern entrepreneurial capability regarded increasing the revenues, developing new products and expanding to new markets to create competitive advantages in the business.
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