Principals’ Technology Leadership Behavior and Teachers’ Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Bhutan
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The classroom teaching and learning in the 21st century stress creativity and innovation. So, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) is seen as an important means to foster innovation. However, without genuine interest from teachers, it is difficult to integrate ICT in classroom instruction. Teachers are the engines that enhance the digitization of school teaching and learning process. However, the determination to implement ICT in the school curriculum and instructions lies in the hands of school leaders as rigorous use of ICT in teaching and learning could be effective if school principals provide required support. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between principals’ technology leadership behavior and teachers’ use of ICT in classroom teaching and learning in Bhutan. Data was gathered from 329 middle secondary school teachers through survey questionnaires. The study found that principals’ technology leadership behavior in Bhutan was at moderate levels with a positive relationship to teachers’ use of ICT. Likewise, statistical analysis revealed that two predictors of the principal’s technology leadership dimensions: support, management and operation; and productivity and professional practices were the best predictors of teachers’ use of ICT in the classroom.
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