The Effect of Math Ability and English Ability on Graduate Academic Performance Using Database of the International Private University


  • Sumredj Aryupong Department of Mathematics, MSME, Assumption University
  • Pirat Amornsupasiri Department of Mathematics, MSME, Assumption University
  • Sittipon Sangsa-ard Department of Mathematics, MSME, Assumption University



Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), Math ability, English ability, Graduates


       The purposes of this study are to examine the relationship between student demographics and Math ability and English ability; to examine the relationship between student academic background and Math ability and English ability; to examine the relationship between Math ability and English ability and graduate academic performance using database of the international private university. This study collected data of graduates from the database of the international private university to test hypotheses with three sets of data; the first set was combined from four graduate batches (batches 44-47), the second set was one latest batch (batch 47), and the third set was sample taking 10% from total four batches. Data were analyzed with multiple regression analysis, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results found that student demographics (gender, age, and nationality), and their academic background (types of school, math skills in high school, and majors) determined their Math ability and English ability, except types of high school on Math ability. In addition, both Math and English abilities also influenced graduate performance.


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