Usage a Blended Learning Model to Promote the Career of Thai Massage for Health for Adult Students
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This research aimed to study the implementation of a blended learning model for career promotion of Thai massage for health for adult students. The research samples comprised 34 adult students of Traditional Medical Clinic at Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Chonburi, selected by purposive sampling. The research tools were 1) a blended learning model for career promotion of Thai massage for health for adult students and 2) tools to study the outcome of implementing a blended learning model, including (1) a test on Thai massage for health, (2) an evaluation form on Thai massage for health skills, (3) an observation form of learners’ participation in learning activities through the learning model, and (4) a satisfaction assessment form. The data were analyzed using dependent sample t-test, frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows: 1) the comparison of knowledge assessment in Thai massage for health of the learners showed that the mean of the post-test score after the learning activities were 0.05 percent significantly higher than that of the pre-test score, 2) the evaluation of Thai massage practice skills showed that learners can practice at the most correct level (90% and above) and at the correct level (80-90% and above), 3) the observation of learners participating in the activities showed that the average of the students' participation was at a high level, and 4) the sample group showed that the overall level of satisfaction was at a high level. The participants viewed that learning through the model can be further applied and promote a career at a high level.
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