Problems of Active Learning Implementation for French Language Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in the South of Thailand
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Background and Objectives: Active learning is considered an effective pedagogy for supporting and uplifting the quality of both teaching and learning. There are several advantages linked to foreign language learning. These include the development of students’ linguistic understanding, in addition to memorization of grammatical functions and vocabulary, improved language skills (including listening, speaking, reading, and writing), and the development of proper pronunciation. However, a review of the literature in related studies found that the use of active learning in teaching French at the secondary level in Thailand, particularly in the South, is still moderate. This study aimed to explore the problems of active learning implementation for French language teaching and learning in secondary schools in the south of Thailand.
Methodology: A mixed-methods approach was applied, using three research instruments: a questionnaire, classroom observations, and interviews. The questionnaire was sent out to a population of 28 French teachers and a sample of 655 students in 20 secondary schools in 14 southern provinces of Thailand. A sample of 15 of these teachers were selected on a voluntary basis to have their classrooms observed in order to gain a better understanding of their teaching practices. In addition, a sample of 60 students were selected for an interview. A total of 8.25% of questionnaires were not completed, mainly because some schools had fewer students than expected in some grades. The remaining 601 questionnaires, which accounted for 91.75% of the sample, were completed and received by the researchers.
Main results: The results showed that the problems the respondents experienced in using active learning for teaching and learning French could be divided into three main groups, which included problems with teachers, problems with students, and teaching media and equipment.
Discussion: Firstly, the most common problems teachers encountered included those related to the following: high teaching workload, lack of course preparation time, lack of expertise and experience in active learning, insufficient French language knowledge, lack of knowledge in using some teaching materials, and a lack of native teachers. Secondly, learners experienced problems such as shyness and insufficient courage to speak, express themselves, or give comments. Furthermore, students lacked learning skills, basic logical skills, responsibility, a sense of unity within the group, motivation to study, in addition to having poor knowledge of French. Lastly, problems related to teaching facilities included insufficient IT materials and equipment, an unstable and slow internet network, and a lack of classrooms ready for setting up active learning.
Conclusion: The problems of active learning implementation for French language teaching and learning in secondary schools can be viewed in terms of teachers, students, and materials. Therefore, teachers, as one of the most important components, must always be aware that if they desire to use active learning in the classroom, they must change their roles to be that of a “guide,” a “mentor,” and a “learning facilitator.” Their roles are to guide, give advice, help, motivate, and engage learners to take ownership of their learning. This takes place through students’ participation in learning activities and interactions with teachers and other students. Furthermore, teachers should also provide support, feedback, and encouragement, while creating an environment that enables their learners to construct knowledge on their own in a meaningful way.
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