Factors Affecting Employment Intention and Student Satisfaction in Accounting Internships: A Case of an International Private University


  • Victorina Villanueva-Vunnasiri Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, Assumption University, Thailand
  • Lynn Lynn Shane Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, Assumption University, Thailand
  • Theresa Thaneetananont Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, Assumption University, Thailand
  • Issorasak Santivitoonvongs Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, Assumption University, Thailand




Accounting Internship, Evaluation, Intern Students, Supervisors, Employment Intention


This research aimed to examine the relationship between accounting student intern evaluation, their supervisor evaluation, student satisfaction toward the internship, and their employment intention. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 98 accounting student interns and 98 of their supervisors. The data collected were analyzed in terms of Cronbach's alpha coefficient analysis, factor analysis, composite reliability, average variance extracted, and multiple regression analysis.  The results revealed that (1) student evaluation is significantly related to the student’s satisfaction toward the internship program, but not to employment intention, and (2) supervisor evaluation is significantly related to employment intention, but not to the student’s satisfaction toward the internship.


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