Science Teachers’ Perceptions of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Case Study of Opportunity Expansion School in Chaiyaphum
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Background and Objectives: Current reform efforts in science education emphasize the integration of technology to enhance instructional practices and improve student learning outcomes. To achieve this, teachers must develop the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate technology into their instruction. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework serves as a crucial model that helps teachers connect subject matter knowledge, pedagogical strategies, and technological tools to create meaningful learning experiences. A solid understanding of TPACK allows teachers to select appropriate technologies that align with both content and instructional methods. This ensures their teaching aligns with modern educational needs and enhances student learning outcomes. However, most existing studies on teachers' perceptions of TPACK focus primarily on assessing their perceived competency levels and their alignment with components of the framework. Studies lack an in-depth analysis of how science teachers perceive TPACK, including its characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. Therefore, a more in-depth investigation is essential to provide professional development for teachers in Opportunity Expansion Schools, where resources are limited and traditional teaching methods persist.
Methodology: This qualitative research was conducted by means of a case study that aimed to examine the perceptions of TPACK by three lower secondary science teachers from an Opportunity Expansion School in Chaiyaphum Province, Thailand. These teachers were selected based on their self-reported low TPACK scores. The research utilized various data collection methods, including semi-structured interviews, lesson plan analysis, and classroom observations. A content analysis approach was used to examine the collected data, and triangulation was applied to ensure validity by comparing findings across different data sources. The analysis focused on the seven components of the TPACK framework: Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological Knowledge (TK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).
Main Results: The findings revealed that the teachers’ perceptions of TPACK were not aligned with most components of the framework, excluding CK. The teachers demonstrated strong CK due to their academic backgrounds in science and extensive teaching experience. However, their PK , PCK, TK, TCK, TPK and TPACK were limited, as their teaching relied predominantly on lectures, with little consideration for diverse or content-specific teaching strategies.
Discussion: Regarding TK and TCK, the teachers primarily used basic technologies, such as PowerPoint and video clips, and lacked the ability to incorporate additional technologies that are suitable and specific to science content. Furthermore, their TCK, TPK and TPACK demonstrated significant gaps, as the teachers struggled to integrate technology effectively into content-specific teaching strategies, which is critical for fostering analytical thinking and inquiry-based learning. The findings highlight the need to enhance science teachers' knowledge and skills in TPACK to effectively integrate technology into their teaching. In particular, emphasis should be placed on the professional development of science teachers in Opportunity Expansion Schools.
Conclusion: This study hopes to contribute to the improvement of science education by raising awareness of the need for teachers to strengthen their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) competencies. Promotion of such training will improve science education by fostering the meaningful integration of technology in the classroom, ultimately enhancing student outcomes.
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