A Critical Literature Review: Evidence of a Link between Urban Greenspace and Well-being

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Pisit Tuntipisitkul
Sanya Chimphimon


Introduction: In recent years, there has been a growing body of academic evidence emphasizing the relationship between greenspaces and the well-being of urban inhabitants. This increasing recognition has prompted cities worldwide to shift their focus toward the quality management of greenspaces, considering them a vital indicator of a city's health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even advocated for a minimum of 9 square meters of urban greenspace per person as a benchmark for urban planning. Nevertheless, many cities are grappling with limited greenspace availability, which is further exacerbated by rapid land development and the skyrocketing land values inherent in urban areas. In the context of Thai society, it has become evident that relevant stakeholders still lack a comprehensive understanding of the academic evidence delineating the significance and advantages of greenspaces concerning well-being. To address this knowledge gap, this article collects academic evidence that establishes the connections between greenspaces and crucial aspects of well-being, specifically relating to environmental concerns, health restoration, and social interactions among urban inhabitants. The primary aim is to increase awareness of the pivotal role greenspaces play, thereby guiding policy planning. This, in turn, will empower various stakeholders, including government agencies and the private sector, to develop and manage urban greenspaces in a manner that fosters sustainability. Additionally, this article identifies areas of research requiring further exploration, thereby serving as a reference point for future investigations.

Content: The empirical data and research findings presented in this article underscore the multifaceted importance of greenspaces on urban well-being. In the realm of environmental issues, greenspaces serve as ecological buffers, ameliorating air and water quality while mitigating the urban heat island effect. Their contribution to biodiversity preservation is also of paramount importance. Furthermore, greenspaces have been proven to have a restorative effect on individual and collective health. The article delves into the beneficial impact of greenspaces on mental well-being, stress reduction, and physical health. Additionally, it highlights the role of greenspaces in promoting physical activities, subsequently curtailing the incidence of non-communicable diseases. Moreover, greenspaces provide a platform for enhanced social interactions, fostering community cohesion and reducing social isolation among urban inhabitants. The article elucidates the positive correlation between greenspace availability, accessibility, and social interactions, emphasizing the role of greenspace in multidimension.

Conclusion: This article serves as a pivotal resource for comprehending the significant contribution of greenspaces to urban well-being. The evidence presented makes a compelling case for the integration of greenspaces in urban planning and development. To navigate the challenges posed by the limited availability of greenspaces in rapidly developing cities, policy planners and stakeholders must adopt an informed approach that prioritizes sustainability and well-being. As a result, the academic evidence collected and analyzed in this article not only offers valuable insights but also lays the groundwork for future research endeavors. The identification of knowledge gaps serves as a compass for researchers, directing their efforts toward a more profound understanding of the complex relationships between greenspaces and urban well-being, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more sustainable urban environment.

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