An Assessment of E-Service Quality for Online Food Delivery Services in Yangon, Myanmar


  • Ma Eaint Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Thailand



Online Food Delivery services (OFD), e-service quality, customer satisfaction, trust, revisit intention


Background and Objectives: The online food delivery (OFD) service industry has witnessed significant growth globally, particularly in developing countries like Myanmar. The rise in mobile penetration and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have further accelerated this growth. This study aimed to examine the relationship between e-service quality and customer satisfaction, trust, and revisit intentions in the context of OFD services in Yangon, Myanmar. Specifically, the research sought to identify which factors of e-service quality most significantly influence customer satisfaction and trust, and how these, in turn, affect customers' intentions to reuse OFD services.

Methodology: This study employed a quantitative research approach using multiple regression analysis to explore the relationships between the variables. A sample of 200 respondents, who had experience using OFD services in Yangon was selected using convenience sampling. Data were collected through structured questionnaires that included demographic information, consumer behavior, and assessments of e-service quality, customer satisfaction, trust, and reuse intention. The questionnaires were based on a five-point Likert scale and translated into Burmese to reduce the language barrier. The reliability and validity of the questionnaires were ensured through Index of Item-Objective Congruence, (IOC) tests and Cronbach’s alpha reliability tests. The IOC test results indicated that most items had scores above 0.5, showing ample validity, while the Cronbach's alpha values ranged from 0.72 to 0.92, indicating high reliability.

Main Results: The regression analysis revealed that Fulfillment (FUL) had the strongest positive impact on Customer Satisfaction (CS), while Contact (CON) was the most significant predictor of Customer Trust (CT). Efficiency (EFF), System Availability (SYS), Fulfillment, Responsiveness (RES), Compensation (COM), and Contact were all positively related to Customer Satisfaction. However, Privacy (PRI) did not show a significant relationship with Customer Satisfaction. For Customer Trust, System Availability, Responsiveness, and Contact were significant predictors. The study also found a strong positive relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Trust and their Reuse Intentions (RI) towards OFD services. Based on these results, it is suggested that OFD providers should focus on enhancing Fulfillment and Customer Contact to improve satisfaction and trust, thereby increasing customer reuse intentions.

Discussions: The findings underscore the importance of various dimensions of e-service quality in influencing Customer Satisfaction and Trust. Fulfillment emerged as the most critical factor for their satisfaction, indicating that timely and accurate delivery of orders is paramount. Contact, encompassing customer service and support, was crucial for building trust, highlighting the need for accessible and responsive customer service. The insignificant role of Privacy suggests a lower awareness or concern for data security among users in Myanmar, although this may change with increased digital literacy efforts. Overall, the study emphasizes that enhancing e-service quality can significantly boost Customer Satisfaction, Trust, and Reuse Intentions.

Conclusions: The study concludes that to succeed in the competitive OFD market in Yangon, service providers must focus on improving e-service quality factors, particularly Fulfillment and Customer Contact. These improvements can lead to higher Customer Satisfaction and Trust, which are essential for encouraging Reuse Intentions. Additionally, the study suggests that OFD services should upgrade their applications to be more user-friendly and efficient, provide excellent customer support, and ensure wide coverage areas. Future research should explore the impact of Privacy concerns as digital literacy increases, and consider other factors as well, such as site aesthetics and delivery radius to further understand their influence on Customer Satisfaction and Trust.


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