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อติพร เกิดเรือง
วรเดช จันทรศร
ฤาชา เกิดวิชัย
นิพนธ์ ศศิธรเสาวภา


The objectives of this study are 1) to evaluate the capability level of creative thinking in Thai students; 2) to study the factors affecting the capability of creative thinking in Thai students in both state and private higher education institutions; 3) to analyze and classify factors affecting creative thinking capability in Thai students in state and private higher education institutions; and 4) to suggest guidelines for development of creative thinking capability in Thai students. The research sample consisted of 305 fourth year students in the academic year 2012. The research data were obtained by 1) using a questionnaire to collect data on factors affecting the capability of creative thinking in Thai students; 2) conducting in-depth interviews; and 3) conducting case studies. Data on factors affecting capability of creative thinking in Thai students were analyzed using the multiple regression analysis and discriminant analysis.
The research findings are as follows:
1. The overall capability of creative thinking in Thai students is rated to be at the excellent level in all aspects. Capability levels of creative thinking in state higher education institution students and private higher education institution students are significantly different at the .001, .01, and .05 levels, with the rating means in all individual aspects of creative thinking of private higher education institution students being significantly higher than counterpart rating means of state higher education institution students.
2. The factors that affect the capability of creative thinking in Thai students are learning management quality, administrator’s leadership, and clarity of policy. These factors (predictor variables) can explain the variation of creative thinking capability in Thai students (response variable) by 39.4% (R = .628, R2 = .394).
3. There are many parameters that affect the classification of factors affecting the capability of creative thinking in both state and private higher education institutions. The best parameter is “age” followed by learning management quality, tolerance, originality, parent’s level of education, clarity of policy, administrator’s leadership, parent’s income, flexibility, gender, elaboration, institute capability, analysis, evaluation, and fluency, respectively.
4. Results of qualitative research study show that there are additional factors affecting the capability of creative thinking in Thai students: (1) forum for showing creativity, (2) inspiration, (3) socialization, (4) teamwork, (5) activity promotion, (6) participation, (7) basic education learning achievement, (8) study-tour, and (9) accumulated experience, respectively..

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How to Cite
เกิดเรือง อ., จันทรศร ว., เกิดวิชัย ฤ., & ศศิธรเสาวภา น. (2018). FACTORS AFFECTING THE CAPABILITY OF CREATIVE THINKING IN THAI STUDENTS. A CASE STUDY: STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN BANGKOK METROPOLITAN AREA. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(1), 48–60. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/116379


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