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ไกรฤกษ์ ศิลาคม


The purpose of this research is to study the concept of “Freedom” in western philosophy such as political and social philosophy and existentialism. This study is a qualitative research and examined numerous doctrines of political and social philosophers and existentialism philosophers and the related perspectives of scholars in modern age. The results show that freedom is expressed through actions, words or thinking without the obstacle, under the following conditions, namely, no violations on the freedom of others, causing no trouble to others, responsible and creative expressions. The use of incorrect freedom may lead to disturbance in society. Therefore, for the sake of peace and happiness in the Thai society, the uses of freedom should be clearly strict, based on human rights and responsibility to oneself, family, society and environment.

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How to Cite
ศิลาคม ไ. (2018). THE PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF FREEDOM AND ITS APPLICATION FOR SOCIETY. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(1), 62–74. Retrieved from


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