research The rehearsal process and the choir formation of the Northeastern Secondary Schools

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Mr.Nattharhaphing Phaengpheng


This research on the choir pattern was a qualitative study. aims to study The rehearsal process and formatting of the school choir from the Northeastern region The data from the structured interviews were studied and the method of selective sampling was used. Selected from schools that have a gold medal in the student arts and crafts competition During the academic year 2018 - 2020, including Sisaket Wittayalai School Loei Pittayakom School and Borabue Wittayakarn School.

The results are as follows 1) The conclusion of this study is the training program of middle school choir in Northeast Thailand. Their activities include reducing study time, improving their knowledge, meetings and music lessons. Students can participate in chorus training activities, such as the choice of singers. All kinds of screams, standing in the form of bands, for example, on Monday and Friday. During this period, the Royal College of Thailand allowed student choirs to practice lunch breaks. Students can practice together, which is the regular training of the choir. More practice is needed before the game. The pre competition training camp in the northeast of the country shall not be less than one month, including the international level. Preparation camp in less than six months. 2) Position format in choi Soprano is the female voice range , Alto is the female voice range , Tenor is the male voice range,
and Bass is the male voice range. low tone

Each school has a method of formatting as appropriate for the band and in accordance with the characteristics specified in the song by standing in a semicircle, which is a common style commonly used in choirs. but the position of the members of the vocal group will be switched according to the appropriateness of the song or according to the nature of the song that the composer has determined which uses only one standing position format for both practice and contest In order not to confuse students with the standing position and the sound line in each line.Accuracy of singing and can support members in that sound genre to sing along the lines of their own vocals accurately and precisely.

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How to Cite
Phaengpheng, M. (2022). research The rehearsal process and the choir formation of the Northeastern Secondary Schools. Music and Culture Jounal, 1(1), 38–58. retrieved from
Research Articles


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