A Study of the Principles of Buddhadhamma as Appeared in Vessantara Jataka in Present Thai Society

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Phrapalad Chairit Chotivaro
PhramahaViroj Guttaviro
Phramahawichit Kalyanachitto


This article was part of a research paper named “A Study of the Principles of Buddhadhamma as Appeared in Vessantara Jataka in Present Thai Society” containing 3 objectives: (1) study the story of Vessantara Jataka in Buddhist scriptures, (2) to study the Dhamma principles that appeared in the Vessantara Jataka and (3) to apply the virtues appeared in Vessantara Jataka in today’s Thai society. It was document research. The results revealed that Vessantara Jataka is a Buddhist literature called Mahāchat. Its contents detail the conducts of Bodhisattva born as Vessantara. The Dhamma principles that appear in the Maha Vessantara Jataka are; the action law, negligence, alms-giving, 4 Adhipateyya, 4 Brahmavihāra, 6 Sangahavatthu, etc. The analysis of the Dhamma found in Vessantara Jataka for applying to recent Thai society showed that these virtues help a happily living with being mindful and aware, heedlessness, knowing what is beneficial and harmful to life, realizing the value and physical health, doing good through speech, actions, having compassion, generosity without jealous of others, and holding wholesome mind. Daily exercise of the Dhamma found in Vessantara Jataka will provide the prosperity and social strength, reducing the family’s problems and peaceful living in society.


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How to Cite
Chotivaro , P. C., Guttaviro, P. ., & Kalyanachitto, P. . (2022). A Study of the Principles of Buddhadhamma as Appeared in Vessantara Jataka in Present Thai Society. Journal of MCU Palisueksabuddhaghosa Review, 8(2), 204–212. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Palisueksabuddhaghosa/article/view/258866
Research Article


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