The Conservation and Inheritance guidelines of Tee-Klee-Fire Culture in Kut Tum Sub-district, Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province

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สุริยะ หาญพิชัย


This research aimed to study the history of Tee-Klee-Fire culture and to fi nd conversation and inheritance guidelines for Tee-Klee-Fire culture in Kut Tum sub-district, Muang district, Chaiyaphum province. This research collected data by content analysis in anthropology fi led work research and community survey. Forty informants were interviewed and fi fteen informants were used focus groups discussion. The study found that Tee-Klee-Fire culture of Nong Kuang village in Kut Tum sub-district, Muang district, Chaiyaphum province was related to River and farming. The characteristic of Tee-Klee-Fire was from the popular changing activity in Eastern. A Klee ball in the fi re was an identity of Tee-Klee-Fire. The rules of Tee-Klee-Fire game are the same of hockey game. The players are divided into two teams using standard football fi led. The equipment and materials in this game were a Klee-ball that made of cotton wood and a mallet that made from bamboo. The conversation and inheritance guidelines for Tee-Klee-Fire culture emerge from public cooperation or collaboration among householders, temples and schools in the following aspects:1) To conserve the culture by keeping Tee-Klee-Fire culture in Kut Tum at Nong Kleung community hall. 2) To inherit the culture by constructing Tee-Klee-Fire culture of Kut Tum sub-district in Buddhist lent day of every year 3) To promote the learning of Tee-Klee-Fire culture in schools in Kut Tum sub-district by village scholars teaching of the history of Tee-Klee-Fire culture as well as how to play the game. 4) To confederate Tee-Klee-Fire culture for operating activities and to conserve the Tee-Klee-Fire culture continually.

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How to Cite
หาญพิชัย ส. (2018). The Conservation and Inheritance guidelines of Tee-Klee-Fire Culture in Kut Tum Sub-district, Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 124–139. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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