The Relationship Between Board of Directors Character and Accounting Performance

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ลัดดาวัลย์ พุดขุนทด
ชุติมา นาคประสิทธิ์


This research is study about the relationship between Board of Directors Character and accounting performance of the companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The three variables representative of Board of Directors Character are the proportion of the Board of directors who are fi nancial or accounting offi cers, CEO Duality, and the Proportion of female directors. The Return of Assets (ROA) and Return of Equity (ROE) were used as variable of accounting performance whereas company size was controled variable. The data collection worksheet was established in order to obtaining variables as mentioned above. The 544 listed companies’ were selected sample which fi nancial statements and annual registration statements (Form 56-1) in year 2015 and data analysis was used multiple regression analysis. The result showed that there was only statistically signifi cant positive relationship between the proportion of female directors on accounting performance both ROA and ROE. This revealed that increasing of female director in Board of Directors will increase effi ciency and eff ectiveness of accounting performance.

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พุดขุนทด ล., & นาคประสิทธิ์ ช. (2017). The Relationship Between Board of Directors Character and Accounting Performance. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 18–31. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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