Cultural Tourism in line with Local Sustainable Development: a Case Study of Khemarat District, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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วรรณศิกา จันทร์ตรี
ศิวัช ศรีโภคางกุล


This article was studied the cultural tourism in line with local sustainable development: a case study of Khemarat District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The purpose of this study are: 1) To study the eff ecting of tourism development, 2) To study the adaptation of people in the area where got infl uence by tourism development and 3) Analysis the recommendations to make Khemarat District, Ubon Ratchathani province a sustainable tourism area. Qualitative research methodology was utilized through the use of: focus group discussion, in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The 4 key informant groups are: 1) 10 permanent residents in the area 2) 10 random entrepreneurs, restaurant and resort operators in the area 3) 10 tourists, and 4) one academic, totaling 31 people. The study was conducted in 3 areas: Kaeng Chang Mob, Thanon Khon Dern and Had Sai Soong. The study indicated that: 1. The eff ecting of tourism development - People in the Khemarat district, in all three areas, provided comments in the same direction that they were experiencing no negative eff ecting after the tourism development. Where as, there were only positive eff ects to be found such as local people can get more income. This plausibly derived from exploitation of the raising cultural capital after tourism development, which led to preservation of natural resources, environment and local culture. 2. The adaptation of people in the area where infl uenced by tourism development - The study revealed that all people were found to be fl exible and ready for tourism development in the area. The people in the community were cautious, insusceptible to the impact of change and collaborative. The study further revealed people perceived that, by conforming to the government’s plan, there is a better chance of surviving in the rapidly changing society. 3. Recommendations to make Khemarat District be a sustainable tourism area - In order to strengthen the local, government agencies should play signifi cant role in encouraging people in the area to participate in knowledge management (KM), because it is the way to help local to manage cultural resources and preserve local wisdom. The recommendation for KM initiation in the area can be done through various medium includes: grouping, establishing clubs, collaborative networking, etc. In addition, government agencies should continuously help local promote tourism in all sectors.

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How to Cite
จันทร์ตรี ว., & ศรีโภคางกุล ศ. (2017). Cultural Tourism in line with Local Sustainable Development: a Case Study of Khemarat District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 116–132. Retrieved from
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