A Development of Production and Marketing for the Community- Based Enterprise of an Innovative Basketry

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ปิยกนิฏฐ์ โชติวนิช
ธวมินทร์ เครือโสม
นิภา ชุณหภิญโญกุล
มาลิณี ศรีไมตรี


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the perspectives of production of the genius stream-rice cooker in the community-based enterprise of an innovative basketry, 2) to develop the marketing for a genius stream-rice cooker in the community-based enterprise of an innovative basketry, and 3) to suggest any beneficial recommendation in employment and making income by the community from producing any product that belongs to the community-based enterprise of an innovative basketry. This study is a qualitative research. Ten key informants were involved. The method research used were semi-structured questionnaire and group discussion by using content analysis. The result of this research shows firstly, a development of the production for a genius stream-rice cooker in the community-based enterprise of an innovative basketry should be seeking in alternative substitutes of raw materials and purchases with different suppliers. These could reduce costs and generate more income to both members and suppliers. Moreover, the standard criteria of producing each part of assembly must be implemented and controlled. It could be used to identify the compensation. Workers’ skills could be fulfilled by job separation, especially in the difficult stages or in high demand period. Secondly, in terms of marketing, product should be developed, revealing more varieties for different usages in different lifestyles. Pricing should be labeled clearly for both wholesaling and retailing. The distribution channels should be increased, both on the internet and oversea market. Not only should it be promoted in exhibitions but also should be two-ways communicated, through Facebook. Lastly, it should cooperate with more strong cooperation within the community and coordinate with other related public organizations so it could make an effective business plan, showroom or exhibition.

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โชติวนิช ป., เครือโสม ธ., ชุณหภิญโญกุล น., & ศรีไมตรี ม. (2017). A Development of Production and Marketing for the Community- Based Enterprise of an Innovative Basketry. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 1–15. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RMUTI_SS/article/view/189672
Research Articles


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