Influence of Human Resource Management Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment of Government Officers Working in the Livestock Office of the Region 3, Thailand

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กนกอร รัตนพันธุ์
สุธานันธ์ โพธิ์ชาธาร


This research aimed to study human resource management factors, the level of the organizational commitment, and the influence of human resource management factors affecting organizational commitment of government officers who work in the livestock office of region 3 in Thailand. The target population of this study was 607 government officers of department of livestock development who work in the livestock office of the region 3 covering 8 provinces: Nakhon Ratchasima, Chaiyaphom, Burirum, Surin, Yasothon, Amnat Charoen, Ubon Ratchathani and Srisaket, as of 26 December B.E.2558. The sample group was 241 government selected by Quota Sampling method. A set of questionnaire was employed as the tool in this study. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that: Overall, the opinion regarding human resource management factors affecting the organizational commitment of the government officers was at high level. The aspect of Human Resource Development influenced the organizational commitment at the highest level and the aspect of Compensation and Welfare management, Human Resource Planning, Performance Appraisal, and Health and Safety, were respectively lower. Overall, the level of organizational commitment of the government officers was at high level. The aspect of Dedication expressed the organizational commitment at the highest level and the aspect of Organizational Loyalty, Work Values, and Job Satisfaction were respectively lower. Human resource management factors that affected the organizational commitment of the government officers, with statistical significance level of 0.05, were Performance Appraisal, Health and Safety, and Human Resource Development. 45.20 percent of these aspects were able to forecast the organizational commitment of the government officers.

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How to Cite
รัตนพันธุ์ ก., & โพธิ์ชาธาร ส. (2017). Influence of Human Resource Management Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment of Government Officers Working in the Livestock Office of the Region 3, Thailand. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 16–29. Retrieved from
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