The Dynamic of Cultural Spaces on Communities of Tai Dam Ethnic Groups in Nakhon Sawan Province

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ปรียานุช คำสนอง


This article aims to study the dynamics of the Tai Dam ethnic group’s culture spaces, to understand the origin and the importance of space to ethnic groups, including the role of the relationship of space to social structure, beliefs and members of the ethnic group. The study found the origin of the cultural area of the Tai Dam originally. There is a believe in the supernatural, spirits (pee) and kwan can be traced back to the original settlement of the Tai Dam mainland at Sibsongjutai state, Vietnam. The cultural area that is later associated with the life of Tai Dam as a funeral area and the space to create a male - female interaction. In the later period, Tai Dam culture is a coculture. It is integrated with the Buddhist culture of most of the Central region area. It creates the multicultural space of two cultures. The current cultural area is an expression of cultural identity of the Tai Dam ethnic group. Both in symbolic form and cultural activities caused by policy factors; and for conservation.

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How to Cite
คำสนอง ป. (2017). The Dynamic of Cultural Spaces on Communities of Tai Dam Ethnic Groups in Nakhon Sawan Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 77–90. Retrieved from
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