The Synthesis a Research Thesis on the Management of Sports Organizations in Thailand : the Application of Meta-Ethnography

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สิทธิพงษ์ ปานนาค
สุนันทา ศรีศิริ
อุษากร พันธุ์วานิช
กมลมาลย์ วิรัตน์เศรษฐสิน


This research study is designed to synthesize theses related to the management model of sports organizations in Thailand. It was conducted by applying the synthesis of qualitative research. ethnographic analysis (Noblit, G.W. and Hare, R.D., 1988) meta-ethnography, based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and barriers (SWOT analysis) and the concepts of the functions management. The four related components are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Twelve research papers were composing of six theses from Master degree dissertation and six theses from Ph.D. degree dissertation. The research findings are as follows. Planning is found to be in accordance with the bureaucratic administration. National sports development plan is a management approach. Sports organizations are affected by the social, economic and political change of the country. The Organizational structure revealed that sports organizations nonexistent of the flexibility to operate use a volunteer system and have a patronized operation model. Government-funded budget is not enough for internal management. Leadership shows that sports organization executives play a role in leadership. Enthusiastic dedication to work with devotion, dedication, commitment and total benevolence. However, there are restrictions on foreign language communication. The part of controlling found that there are standard forms and criteria for organizational evaluation. It is linked to the national sports development strategy. But control of sports organizations sometimes does not involve executives in their operations. There is lack of serious care and development of sports, including the lack of measurement and evaluation of the performance of sports organizations according to actual conditions. It is also found that external agencies target at the operation of the sports organization is too high.

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ปานนาค ส., ศรีศิริ ส., พันธุ์วานิช อ., & วิรัตน์เศรษฐสิน ก. (2017). The Synthesis a Research Thesis on the Management of Sports Organizations in Thailand : the Application of Meta-Ethnography. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 91–113. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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