The Changing Role and Promoting Educational Opportunities of the Teenage Mothers in the Northeast

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โสภณ มูลหา
ทรงเกียรติ ซาตัน
มนชาย ภูวรกิจ
ปรีชา ทับสมบัติ
ธนัญชัย เฉลิมสุข


This research aimed to study the changing role of Teenage mothers in northeastern region, and promote educational opportunities for teenage mothers in northeastern region. The qualitative method was used through indepth interview with Stakeholders in the community. The sample was made up of teenage mothers and their parents. A total of 50 respondents were sampled for using Snow Ball principle. The result were processed using descriptive analysis. 
          The study found that the role of teenage mothers in northeastern region has been influenced by cultural values from West and East and has got a negative impact of the social behavior and affecting wrong valuable and wrong behavior of young of young people. The effect such as teenage pregnant was the main problem of mothers currently. Teenage mothers in the northeastern region were not parents because of their ignorance before pregnancy. The factors that were affect teenage were family relation, parent support and family factors.
          In addition, the result also found that promoting educational opportunities for teenage mothers in social life currently still lack recognition. Educational institutions should have a role in order to supervise teenagers as through Policies or Strategies to prevent termination of student education in institutions, advice and assistance system to help teenagers in institutions, developing of mediation system in institutions and modification teenage behavioral processes especially to reach teenage target and create social recognition for promoting educational opportunities and creating livable social life.

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How to Cite
มูลหา โ., ซาตัน ท., ภูวรกิจ ม., ทับสมบัติ ป., & เฉลิมสุข ธ. (2016). The Changing Role and Promoting Educational Opportunities of the Teenage Mothers in the Northeast. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 29–44. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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