The Comparison of Learning Achievement, Analytical Thinking and Attitudes toward Mathematics Entitled Ratio and Percentage of Matthayomsueksa 2 Students Between Using Constructivist Learning Activities and CIPPA Learning Activities

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วัชราภรณ์ อุปทุม


The purpose of this research were 1) To determine the understanding of ratio and percentage by Grade Matthayamsuksa 2 High School students who learned from the Constructivist method and from the CIPPA method relative to the 75/75 standard. 2) To study the effectiveness index of learning by Grade Matthayamsuksa 2 High School students learning ratio and percentage using the Constructivist method and the CIPPA method. 3) To compare student achievement in analytical thinking and attitude towards mathematics by Grade Matthayamsuksa 2 High School students who learned about Ratio and Percentage using the Constructivist method with students who learned using the CIPPA method by using a pre-test and post-test. The sample for this research was 50 students in Grade Matthayamsuksa 2 at Chiangyuanwittaya School. These 50 students were selected in semester academic year 2013 by purposive sampling. The research tools used in this study were lesson plans about ratio and percentage using the Constructivist method and the CIPPA method. The test for student achievement in ratio and percentage for Grade Matthayamsuksa 2 mathematics students were a criteria referenced test. It was a multiple choice test of 40 questions. The difficulty values (p) ranged from 0.28 to 0.71, discrimination values (B) from 0.32 to 1.00 and the coefficient of reliability was 0.85. The measure of attitude towards mathematics was performed by using a 5 level Rating Scale with 15 questions. The difficulty values (p) ranged from 0.38 to 0.74, discrimination values (B) from 0.26 to 0.89 and the coefficient of reliability was 0.95. The measure for analytical thinking was a multiple-choice test of 30 questions. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. T-test was used to test the hypothesis.
          The results were as follows
               1. The Constructivist method and CIPPA method had an efficiency of 78.28/75.40 and 78.24/75.20. Both learning methods were higher than the 75/75 standard.
               2. The effectiveness index for learning activities with Constructivist theory and CIPPA were 0.7166 and 0.6630, or 71.66 and 66.30 percent respectively. It showed that students had progressed in learning with both methods used in the study.
               3. The post-tests showed that the students who learned with Constructivist method and students who learned with CIPPA method both achieved higher scores in student achievement, analytical thinking, and attitude towards mathematics, which was statistically significant at level 0.05.
               4. The students who learned with Constructivist method achieved higher scores in analytical thinking and attitude towards mathematics than the students who learned with CIPPA method, which was statistically significant at level 0.05.

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How to Cite
อุปทุม ว. (2015). The Comparison of Learning Achievement, Analytical Thinking and Attitudes toward Mathematics Entitled Ratio and Percentage of Matthayomsueksa 2 Students Between Using Constructivist Learning Activities and CIPPA Learning Activities. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 24–36. Retrieved from
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