Competency Development for the Innovation Organization

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ยุวลักษณ์ จันทสุวรรณ


This research presents the competency development method for an innovative organization. The research is intended to study personal competency conformed to the culture of innovative organization, study personal competency of contact center, including design a developing model of personal competency for moving towards an innovative organization. The research and development procedures and mixed method were processed. Quantitative research was employed from the purposive sampling, 113 officers from the contact center services provider of a private company. The research instrument was questionnaire. The employed statistical analysis of data included mean , standard deviation (S.D.), percentage, Sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA and correlation & regression analysis. Qualitative research was employed using an in-depth interviewing 4 experts and performed a focus group of management team from contact center services provider for designing a developing model of personal competency.
          Of findings found that the competency for moving towards an innovative organization is 2 path of core competency as follows: 1. attitude that composed of attitude toward self, attitude toward work, attitude toward organization and attitude toward social and 2. motive that composed of motivation by goal setting, motivation by achievement and prizes. The 3 path of function competency as follows: 1) knowledge that composed of job knowledge, organization knowledge. 2) skill that composed of analytical thinking skill, learning skill and practical skill. 3) attributes
          The most competencies that conformed to the culture of innovative organization was the core competency in attitude and motive.
          According to the research results, we have designed a developing model of personal competency of contact center for moving towards an innovative organization. The developing model called GOSOFT model which consisted of 6 components: G (Give), the director and manager should give knowledge, comprehension, time and consultant to the officers for the job, organization and innovation, O (Opportunity), the director and manager should give the opportunity to learn and to present their achievements, S (Sampler), the director and manager should be a role model for working, learning, developing innovation and morality, O (Offer), the director and manager should offer officers the prizes and admiration for making the motive to work, F (Full Communication), the director and manager should communicate to the officers thoroughly, clearly and usefully, T (Together), the director and manager should create an involvement to activities of all officers for making a good relationship and sacrifice to organization.

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How to Cite
จันทสุวรรณ ย. (2015). Competency Development for the Innovation Organization. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 32–47. Retrieved from
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