Participative Management of Vocational Education Institute in Central Region 1, The Office of Vocational Education Commission as Perceived by Administrators, Institutional Council Members, Entrepreneurs and Communities

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รุ่งนภา แดงดี
สูติเทพ ศิริพิพัฒนกุล
จินตนา กาญจนวิสุทธิ์


The purpose of this research was to study the participative management of Vocational Education Institute in Central Region 1, The Office of Vocational Education Commission as perceived by administrators, institutional council members, entrepreneurs and communities. The target groups contained two groups. The first group consisted of 9 persons, including educational institution administrators, representative communities, and representative entrepreneurs in the province that related to the Vocational Education Institute in Central Region 1, The Office of Vocational Education Commission. The second group consisted of 12 experts in institutional council committees of Vocational Education Institution Council in Central Region 1, The Office of Vocational Education Commission. The research instruments were interview form, observation form, and record form. The data analysis was the content analysis. The corrective checking of data was the methodological triangulation. The result of this study found that the participative management comprised of 5 aspects: 1) the academic cooperation, related to the system linking information between academic institutions and entrepreneurs. The project were to develop teacher, trainer through the knowledge sharing to having skills in teaching, research and innovation and training together 2) the process of participative management related to defining the target to create a common understanding in the management of vocational education institutions. Assigned the responsibility clearly and shared drives Institute of Vocational Education. 3) the resources sharing and academic excellence building related to the regulation authority, the agreement in the council of acceptance in general about institute of internal revenue and utilization of the allocation of benefits sharing resources exchanging of personnel inside the institution and outside the institution. 4) career development , occupation, and building academic innovation involved with extension in innovation as well as inventions development in every level by integrating with instruction by invent useful innovation for career in community., and 5) quality assurance systems and standard controlling associated with the development of quality assurance in schools and institutions by creating a partnership to create awareness to make an importance, set common goal for developing highly-skilled learners and focus on calibration measurement of organizational knowledge.

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How to Cite
แดงดี ร., ศิริพิพัฒนกุล ส., & กาญจนวิสุทธิ์ จ. (2014). Participative Management of Vocational Education Institute in Central Region 1, The Office of Vocational Education Commission as Perceived by Administrators, Institutional Council Members, Entrepreneurs and Communities. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from
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