Comparison of Academic Achievement and Problem solving the Electrical circuit of students in of First Year Vocational courses Electrical Power. Between the event focuses on Process Skills and Problem-Based Learning

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สนธยา คำจันทร์


The purposes of the study were to 1) Determine the efficiency of the Learning Activities that focused on process skills learning and problem-based learning on electrical circuits for first-year vocational certificate students that have proficiency standard at 80/80. 2) Determine the effectiveness index of the learning activity that focused on process skills learning and problem-based learning on electrical circuits for first-year vocational certificate students, and 3) Compare achievement and problem solving for first-year vocational certificate students between the learning activity that focused on process skills learning and problem-based learning on electrical circuits. The samples were 40 first-year vocational certificate students who majored in electrical power at Faculty of Industrial Technology Nakhon Phanom University. The samples studied in electrical and electronic components subject in semester 1, academic year 2013 They were divide in to 2 group, Which are Group 1 and Group 2. Each group consisted of 20 samples. The samples were obtained by purposive sampling. Instruments used in the study are three types of activities within a problem-based learning. (PBL) plan learning activities that emphasize process skills form the four plans include a 16 -hour test achievement types optional 5 options 40 items which had the difficulty (p) ranging from 0.62 to 0.75 in cost. discrimination (B) from 0.26 to 0.49, and the reliability of 0.92 and A multiple-choice test, a solution types optional 4 options 20 items which had the difficulty (p) ranging from 0.5 to 0.8 in cost. discrimination (r) from 0.2 to 0.75, and the reliability of 0.74. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. And hypothesis testing usingt-test (Independent Samples)
          The results were as follows
          1. The efficiency of learning activity that focused on process skills learning and problem-based learning on electrical circuit for first-year vocational certificate students was 88.75/86.62 and 83.54/80.37, respectively.
          2. The effectiveness index of the learning activity that focused on process skills learning and problem-based learning on electrical circuits for first-year vocational certificate students was 0.7713 and 0.6616, It has been apparent that students have made progress in learning by 77.13 and 66.16 respectively.
          3. The students that focused on process skills learning obtained more learning achievement and problem solving than students focused on problem-based learning. Therefore, there was a statistically significant at the 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
คำจันทร์ ส. (2014). Comparison of Academic Achievement and Problem solving the Electrical circuit of students in of First Year Vocational courses Electrical Power. Between the event focuses on Process Skills and Problem-Based Learning. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 97–107. Retrieved from
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