Green Product: Value Added Creation

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ฉัตรชัย - อินทสังข์
สุพรรณี พรภักดี
จันทนา เอี่ยมสว่าง


In recent decades, the public has increasingly noticed environmental issues by reason of the disastrous environmental pollution arisen from industrial manufacturing activities. Consequently, more firms are prone to accept environment protection as their social responsibility. Firms should apply green marketing strategies to enhance perceived value of their products and reduce perceived risk of their products with respect to environmental consideration to raise their competitive advantage that lead to increased sales, profits, trust and image that reflect the performance that is superior to the competitors. Green marketing activities involve developing, differentiating, product idea generation and services that satisfy customers’ environmental needs without a hurtful influence on the environment. In this article determining the characteristics of the green product four aspects as follow: 1) label, 2) implementation, 3) packaging, and 4) production system. In addition, this paper is fulfill the knowledge of the green marketing strategy that can help the executive to understand and to be used as a guideline for the development, improvement of marketing competitiveness effectively.

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อินทสังข์ ฉ. .-., พรภักดี ส., & เอี่ยมสว่าง จ. (2019). Green Product: Value Added Creation. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 104–117. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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