Research and Community-Based Learning for Social Service Research Awareness in Higher Education

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Bunpod Phijitkamnerd
Nantawan Ruangaram
Titiya Netwong
Panisara Thamjutha
Phakwalan Umboon


The objectives of this article are to provide an understanding of instructional in higher education. The learning outcomes expect of graduates at least 5 area as follows: ethics and moral, knowledge, cognitive skill, interpersonal skills and responsibility, and numerical analysis, communication and information technology. To be the guideline for choosing appropriate instructional techniques to develop students. Including promoting desirable features that help learners prepare for changes in the world, promote citizenship and considering the part of society. In this article presenting guideline of research and community-based learning, that integrated research - based learning and community - based learning. Research and community-based learning is an alternative instructional for students in higher education to practice, conduct research for solving problems within the community. The students and community have collaborated to create a joint research project, to use the research results to be useful in the community, and learners are aware of the social service research consists of 5 steps: 1) prepare to learn content from research, 2) learning strategies to use learning techniques with research process and use the problems based from the community, 3) conduct research, 4) reflections through experiences that affect emotions and feelings of research awareness, and 5) evaluate learning results. By this approach, focusing on the development of the affective domain allowing students to get to know the community through a research process that analyzes community needs that can help solve problems for the community by applying knowledge in the classroom to apply. Students and communities benefit from the activities that are mutually beneficial. Learners see the importance, responsibility, and consequences will result in students following 5 area of Thai Qualification Framework for Higher Education. As a result, learners become 5 stages of research awareness are 1) research reception, 2) research responding, 3) research value, 4) research value management system, and 5) research creating traits.

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How to Cite
Phijitkamnerd, B. ., Ruangaram, N. ., Netwong, T., Thamjutha, P. ., & Umboon, P. . (2020). Research and Community-Based Learning for Social Service Research Awareness in Higher Education. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 114–127. Retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Titiya Netwong, Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Dusit University

Information Technology


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