Attitude and Community Participation Towards Ethnic Tourism Development: A Case Study of Thai Phuan Ethnic Group of Ban Dong Kratongyam, Srimaha Phot District, Prachinburi Province

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Chedsinee Thongmunpoo
Kamonphan Donthong
Maneerat Sukkasem


The aim of this research was to study the attitudes and host community participation towards ethnic tourism development: a case study of Thai Phuan ethnic group of Ban Dong Kratongyam, Simaha Phot District, Prachinburi Province. This study used quantitative research method. The samples size used of the study were 400 Thai Phuan ethnic groups and the research instruments was questionnaire. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results showed that the overall attitudes of host community towards ethnic tourism development is at a high level, including emotional and feeling elements, behavioral elements and knowledge elements. For the top 5 attributes were 1) ethnic tourism makes people in the community proud of their origin or habitat 2) ethnic tourism activities management of Ban Dong Krathongyam affects the interest of tourists 3) ethnic tourism contributes to sustainable tourism or can travel throughout the year 4) road conditions that travel to Ban Dong Krathongyam are convenient and safety and 5) cultivating consciousness among people in the community towards the importance of Thai Phuan culture. For the overall of the community participation towards ethnic tourism development is at a moderate level. The results are considered in each aspect at a very important level as benefits sharing, for the implementation, decision making, and the monitoring are at a moderate level. For the top 5 attributes were 1) ethnic tourism activities, resulting in the continuation of culture, traditions and way of life 2) activities together make their have a good relationship with people in the community and tourists 3) ethnic tourism activities create a good quality of life for local people. 4) ethnic tourism activities make their a career and revenue increased and 5) to get the benefits arising from the project or activity tourism ethnic communities.

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How to Cite
Thongmunpoo, C. ., Donthong, K. ., & Sukkasem, M. (2020). Attitude and Community Participation Towards Ethnic Tourism Development: A Case Study of Thai Phuan Ethnic Group of Ban Dong Kratongyam, Srimaha Phot District, Prachinburi Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 64–81. Retrieved from
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