Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment of Lecturers at a Private University: A Canonical Correlation Analysis

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Peeraya Supsarn
Prasopchai Pasunon


This study aimed 1) to investigate quality of work life, 2) to study organizational commitment and 3) to figure out the relationship between quality of work life and organizational commitment. The samples consisted of 155 lecturers at a private university, and the data were analyzed using statistics, namely percentage, means, standard deviation and canonical correlation analysis. The results indicated that in respect of canonical correlation between quality of work life and organizational commitment, the canonical correlation coefficient for the first function was 0.857, which showed the highest level of relationship between the variables. In particular, constitutional organization in quality of work life and affective commitment in organizational commitment had the highest canonical loading at (-0.736) and (-0.821) respectively. It indicated the strong relationship between quality of work life and affective commitment. Therefore, the organization should emphasize lecturers’ quality of work life in order to reduce their turnover. The organization should enhance the lecturers’ satisfaction toward organizational commitment and royalty in the future.

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How to Cite
Supsarn, P. ., & Pasunon, P. . (2020). Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment of Lecturers at a Private University: A Canonical Correlation Analysis. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 99–113. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Peeraya Supsarn, Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University, Phetchaburi

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