The Existence of Non-Hotel Accommodation on the Basis of Good Governance A Case of Hostels in Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

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Rachanon Taweephol


This study aimed to study 1) giving the definition of good governance in the non- hotel accommodation business 2) guidelines of establishment non- hotel accommodation and 3) the principal to comply with the law and limitation of non- hotel accommodation in a case of hostels in Hua Hin. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. This study was qualitative research phenomenology study. Data was collected by In-depth Interview with entrepreneur 10 keys informants including the observation of non- participants in the area. The results were found that 1) the definition of good governance given by entrepreneur is to operate the business that shows the responsibility for the effect for recipient of the service, provider of the service, social and environment 2) the establishment of a sustainable business can be considered from the inspiration to build a business to top up from original services and modification habitat to make income, the defining features rooms with a safety, managing location to have the value from the design space and building structures with identity, investment and management of income in term of private fund needs to control unnecessary expenditure including applying technology to support and the analysis of the behavior of patients with a classification based on race and most of main patients are student 3) the implementation of legal and business restrictions that entrepreneur must be prepared in order to ready to do a valid registration ,the evaluation of area, paying for the tax regularly and management revenue under the scope of small area and not going against to the law.

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How to Cite
Taweephol, R. . (2020). The Existence of Non-Hotel Accommodation on the Basis of Good Governance A Case of Hostels in Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 16–35. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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