Development of Microlearning for Training of Military Officer Training School Directorate of Education and Training

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Pornkamon Tepsuponkul
Sunchai Pattanasith
Nattaphon Rampai


This article presents development of microlearning with the 90/90 standard criterion, compare the military offi cers practical achievement after academic via microlearning and to survey military officers opinions on microlearning for training. The research sample was 50 military Officer Training School Directorate of Education and Training. The instruments used in the study were microlearning, the practical achievement evaluation form, and the questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent t-test. The research results revealed that 1) efficiency of the developed microlearning for military officers training is 98.06/98.06 higher than the standard criterion 90/90, 2) the military officers achievement after training via microlearning was statistically significant higher than before training at 0.05 level, and 3) opinion of the military officials training, Military Officer Training School, Directorate of Education and Training, the respondents absolutely agree, representing 86 %, on the procedural process, and agree representing 82 %, facilitating and using microlearning respectively.

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How to Cite
Tepsuponkul, P., Pattanasith, S., & Rampai, N. (2021). Development of Microlearning for Training of Military Officer Training School Directorate of Education and Training. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(2), 17–30. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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