Customer-Focused Distribution Based on Contemporary Marketing Concepts

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Prapasri Phongthanapanich


Contemporary marketing involves two-way communication focuses on delivering concise and
consistent messages with specific customer behaviors to create long-term customer satisfaction. In other words, contemporary marketing focuses on customers and markets by connecting transactional marketing to relationship marketing using a modern information system to reaching consumers from all over the world online in an interactive way. Businesses, therefore,
need to develop their distribution systems to be able to meet customer needs or focus on customer value by modern distribution developed based on modern engineering technology and information technology systems. An online distribution management system that allows sellers and buyers to know the status of their products at all times and modern distribution strategies to connect logistics networks effectively make the product reach the customer safely, fast and with lower distribution costs. Therefore, the future distribution system must be a system developed based on Marketing database management system & IT that can integrate marketing transactions, financial transactions, dealer system, distribution system and facilities system for customers to track goods by themselves including after-sales service system. Nowadays, there are many modern technologies such as automated warehouses, delivery drones, autonomous trucks that helps to create efficiency of distribution and create value for customers.

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How to Cite
Phongthanapanich, P. (2022). Customer-Focused Distribution Based on Contemporary Marketing Concepts. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 78–87. Retrieved from
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