The Role of Acceptance and Use of Technology in Online Purchase Decisions of People Entering the Aging Society
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This research paper presents the role of acceptance and use of technology in online purchase decisions of people who are entering the aging society in Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima. Questionnaires were reviewed by the Human Research Ethics Committee, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan prior to being used as data collection tools from 288 people. Purposive sampling was used with quantitative research where multiple regression statistics was used for data analysis. The results showed that the acceptance and use of information technology affected purchasing decisions. The key factors influencing users’ purchasing decisions were attitude toward using (effect size = 0.329), perceived usefulness (effect size = 0.228), and intention to use (effect size = 0.166). Therefore, information technology acceptance and social changes in consumption were factors that contributed to the increase in online shopping, which enabled human behavior to express or react when confronted with a variety of stimuli or situations influenced by perception and accessibility of technology on various electronic devices. The perception and comprehension of facts, news and information of the people resulted in learning, adaptation, and continuous use of technology. This has become a habit of using information and communication technology which directly influences decision on buying products via online media or other decisions in daily life of those who are entering the aging society.
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