Working Behavior Affecting Organizational Culture of Production Employees in Ayutthaya Province Using the DISC Model
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DISC model is a tool that characterizes human behavior, which shows the differences in behavioral expressions. The objective of this study was to help employees understand and work together more efficiently and happily. The study sample was a selected group of employees in Ayutthaya Province whose behaviors were studied and ways to manage them proposed. The Research tool was behavior assessment questionnaires which were developed by DISC conceptual frameworks. The questionnaires used five level measurements that were approved by 3 experts in related field. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.84 with a sample of 400 production employees using proportional stratified random sampling. The statistics used included mean, standard deviation, and Explorer Factor Analysis (EFA). and Th research. results grouped the behavior of employees into 4 elements: 1) “Work-oriented” behavior, 2)“Discipline” behavior, 3) “Employee oriented” behavior, and 4) “skeptical” behavior. In addition, it was found that the dominance of the organizational culture were employee oriented, discipline, work-oriented, and skeptical variables as 434, .189, .143 and -.136, respectively. Employees should be encouraged to have employee oriented, discipline, work-oriented, and reduce skeptical behaviour. The prediction results were 39 percent (R Square = .392).
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